Thursday 28 July 2011

Hyper Japan: Friday: Tea Party With Kanon Wakashima

Hello my Lovelies! Well what can i say?? Last weekend had been amazing. I would have loved to blog about this Earlier in the week, but not only was a recovering from Hyper Japan Sunday but i have another busy weekend to look forward to at London Anime Convention as i have a stall there. I had such a Fun weekend at Hyper Japan that i have to blog in 2 posts. So here Goes....
..... Firstly id like to state, Majority of the following photos were shot by Steffi Santiago & Saoirse (their details will be posted at the end of the blog). These two photographers were Great. So its only Right they get credit for their work.

Steffi Santiago
 And i also stole some pictures from Namalie, lol, lets hope she doesn't kill me.

So my day started of as usual as any other convention day which includes.. getting ready hiding from my dad and running to my friend Namalie's House and then from their. taking back end roads so my dad doesn't me LOL. He hates the whole, cosplaying, lolita, dressing up in general scene. As my dad would say "Waste of money, Waste of Time, Life should be about studying working and family". The only problem is... all this stuff is part of my life, with out my hobbies, id be any other boring person. There for the way a look at it is if i don't give him a chance to say no i can go lol.

So neway I made my way to my Friends house and give you our outfit rundowns. Namalie is Totally awesome at putting lolita together, its almost insane how she does it. So I'm gonna start of with her as she's so Bad Ass.

So shes using her natural hair that i had toheavily tease. I really dunno how she washed it out lol.

Hair clips: Alice and the Pirates
Broach: Independent store in west fields, UK
Dress: Alice and the Pirates

Natural Hair: Straight
Head bow:
Dress: Baby the Stars Shine Bright

So we arrived at Hyper japan for an hour later then we had hoped, we ended up missing the ITK Robot show. I had also met Scarlett (Kawaii Star of the year 2011) and spent the day with her. There was so much to see, so many stalls, and they were all Amazing. But our first stop was the Lolita Bring and Buy. it was such a smart idea. It was so great to be able to buy and sell items on the spot instead of having to wait for things online. i didn't have much to give, although Namali handed in 11 items and ended up making over 150 pounds which was so cool, enough to buy more lolita gear lol.


This Stall was amazing, all this stuff looked practically brand new, and people have even bought in hand made stuff. Tania Tanzil had made really some really nice chocolaty mini hates. (unfortunately i didn't get a picture )-: )

Our Next stop was the Gaming area (oh typical of us LOL) Noshin was checking out the new Naruto game, as i decided to check out the Nintendo 3DS and the new Dragon Ball z Game.

The reason why i was concentrating so hard was because i kept dying lol.
After that me and scarlet went to get some lunch, we also got stopped for photos.


And then about 3.15 we managed to make our way to the Maid cafe where the Tea party with Kanon Wakashima was held. The tea party was arranged by Tania tanzil and namalie had got me on the list. Tania had done a wonderful job, although she was worried that the event was a bit rushed, i could totally understand Kanon was extremely busy that day, For Tania being able to pull this off in such a short time it was amazing.

Kanon was able to sit on every ones tables and answer a few questions. she was sooooo adorable that when she came and sat down we wer just sitting their awwing her. i think it made her abit shy but she was really delightful. I wasn't such a big fan of hers but after spending a little time with her backstage and at the tea party, i cant get over how adorable she is.


After the Tea party we Hung out abit more and called it a early night. Only cos we knew we would be back on SSunday

xXx Kandee xXx

Thursday 7 July 2011

Hyper Japan

Hyper Japan will be help at Olympia 2 on the 22nd, 23rd and 24th of July 2011, Please be sure to book tickets to see all the incredible events the Hyper Japan staff will have listed.

Hyper Japan 2011

Monday 4 July 2011

Hyper Japan: Kawaii Star of the year FINALS!!!

OMG, i actually got in the finals I'm sooooooo excited and so shocked i cant believe it. I Really want to win because this is such a good opportunity for me. I really hope i do well, This is more then the japan trip and the free Baby TSSB dress. I finally get the opportunity to represent something i have so much love for. This would be sooo amazing. My love for Kawaii Started at Hyper japan, and it would be so great to Become the ambassador at Hyper japan. I also get to meet Kanon Wakashima, i think shes so KAWAAAIIIIIIII.

So the Votes have started and to be honest i need all the votes i can get. My Fellow finalists are sooo amazing too... so here's the finals and there pages, il also post the link for the votes

1. Crystal Cheung

Crystals one of my Facebook Friends, and Ive spoken to her a lot since we entered this competition, im sooo happy that we both got through. Shes a big fan of baby TSSB, here's the link to her page

2.Gemma Boyle

The second finalists is Gemma Boyle, Remember beckii Cruel?? The show on BBC? Yup that's right, this is Gemma cruel. Im actually happy to see her here. Out of all the Cruel angels, Gemma cruel was my favourite, i always thought she was really cute.

3. Nazia Hussain: (Me <3)

So this ones me :) what can i say about my self? lol accept that i was out on the streets for 2 hours trying to record this video outside n i have like 30 minutes of un-used footage. Most of it was because the bus went by and made noise or people walking past kept staring and i got nervous lol Here's my link:

3. Rebbecca Attridge

The next finalist is from south East, i don't know much about her but from here youtube channel, i think she's in to jpop dancing like Gemma, i know Rebecca done a dance for a charity Event.... how sweet. I got a lot of love for people who help out for charity. So here's Rebbecas link:

5. Scarlett Young

Lastly we have young Scarlett here. shes oober cute, and she's so funny too. i liked her video, it really made me smile. The one thing we have in common besides our love for Kawaii is CUPCAKES! I'm obsessed with cupcakes. i can bake and decorate ALL DAY LONG... anyway before i end up going on and on about cupcakes here's her link:


Catch all 5 of us live on the 24th of July. pick your tickets now at This is one of the biggest events for j-culture in London. other then the Kawaii star of the year finals. They have a whole load of cool stuff going on. Personally i cant wait to get my hand on those Dragon ball z canned coffee.

VOTE NOW....... voting ends on the 24th of July. To vote scroll right to the bottom if the following link and vote

Until next time.... Take care :)

P.S my obession for cupcakes leads me to relate everything back to cupcakes E.G